Monday, November 19, 2007

Save the Chocolate, Save the World

My friends know that I've always been passionate about saving the tropical rainforest due to the need to preserve genetic diversity, slow global warming, preserve indigenous cultures. I even started a rainforest preservation organization when I was in high school called The Rainforest Challenge, and created a multi-media, multi-disciplinary curriculum to educate and get kids involved in rainforest preservation.

I have hope now that perhaps there is a compelling reason to eat more chocolate to encourage more rainforest preservation. This radio episode on NPR caught my attention. A Santa Cruz professor is working to get cocoa farming included as a viable carbon credit to create added financial incentives to get farmers to raise more cocoa.

I'll have to keep an eye on this one - so that I can consume the chocolate the produce and purchase some of their carbon offsets.


Harivardhini Pradeep said...
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The Attleboro Post said...

i can get behind that! eat chocolate AND save the rainforest? now we just have to get red wine in there somewhere.