Friday, November 30, 2007

A new twist on the choreographed wedding dance

I totally love this. Looks very much like the choreographed "Baby Got Back" Dance that happened at my friends Mark & Stephanie's wedding.

Give me all sorts of devilish ideas for my future, not even yet planned, need a groom first, wedding... Gosh, I hope he dances. :-)


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bored of Watching Paint Dry? Try Global Birth and Death Rate

It's sort of addicting. Check out the global clock that tracks global births, deaths, illnesses and injuries from various factors. Keep an eye on "cancer" and "cardiovascular disease" - you'll see both of them move - totally unnerving.

Amazing Pointe Technique & Acrobatic Strength

Ok. It's hard enough to do a single pirotte in point shoes. I still remember what it was like when I last attempted it (I believe I was 16). This video takes ballet to a whole new level. It starts off slow (lots of stretching and audience shots in French) but stick with it...about 5 minutes in, you'll notice that the dancer does a full pirouette in pointe shoes while balancing on her partner's shoulder, and then she executes a full backwards layout while in pointe ON HIS HEAD!!

It's totally amazing.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Save the Chocolate, Save the World

My friends know that I've always been passionate about saving the tropical rainforest due to the need to preserve genetic diversity, slow global warming, preserve indigenous cultures. I even started a rainforest preservation organization when I was in high school called The Rainforest Challenge, and created a multi-media, multi-disciplinary curriculum to educate and get kids involved in rainforest preservation.

I have hope now that perhaps there is a compelling reason to eat more chocolate to encourage more rainforest preservation. This radio episode on NPR caught my attention. A Santa Cruz professor is working to get cocoa farming included as a viable carbon credit to create added financial incentives to get farmers to raise more cocoa.

I'll have to keep an eye on this one - so that I can consume the chocolate the produce and purchase some of their carbon offsets.

Funny Anti-Drug Video

I kept thinking about my friend Scott who tested drugs on mice for his PhD...

Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On Spider Webs - Watch more free videos

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Very Cool Pop Locking Video

Fedde Le Grand - Put Your Hands Up...
Video sent by night-sounds

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Monday, November 12, 2007

10 Signs you are a Search Marketing Geek

OK, I have to admit that I stole this and modified from another post.

Here is my top ten list to know if your a marketing geek:
  1. You look for and point out the SEO mistakes on every site you visit.
  2. Your friends and family have stopped sending you forwarded chain emails because they are tired of being accused of spamming.
  3. You use acronyms for everything even if there is no reason to.
  4. You forget that phone directories still exist until you see the new one on your doorstep once a year.
  5. When you go out to eat you look for user reviews on the menu and can’t believe that restaurants have not embraced user generated content.
  6. You want to call up every restaurant you find that doesn't have an operable website to offer your services - just so next time you can easily find their menu and phone number.
  7. You can't understand why EVERY local business is not registered on local search - it's free people! And it will let me find your phone number and address, considering I recycle the phone book as soon as it's delivered to my door.
  8. You get caught up in the usability of every website you visit
  9. You've developed a new game with friends and family titled, "Can you tell me what this ad is selling and who is selling it?"
  10. You've put your 60 something parents through search engine marketing training so that they can help you promote your family's website (yes, I've actually done this)

Funny Search Suggestions from

Pulled this from Inside Google, and it made me laugh, so I had to share.

Ask’s Strange Search Suggests

Crave and Gizmodo are laughing at some of the strange search queries being suggested by’s suggest feature, which suggests complete or longer queries as you type in the search box. They’ve got examples like:

* “is it legal to”, which suggests completing that with “marry your second cousin”, “own a penguin” or “sell a kidney
* “can you” :: “freeze cheese”, “get pregnant in a hot tub”

Clearly, some of Ask’s users have some strange things in mind. Here are some search suggestions I found, with the suggested part in bold:

  • why did Jeeves retire

  • why do i never see baby pigeons? (answer: because pigeons don’t leave the nest until they are almost as large as adult pigeons)

  • why does my eye twitch

  • why does asparagus make urine smell

  • why does my belly button hurt

  • why does my urine smell (perhaps you had asparagus?)

  • i wanna to be anorexic

  • how to knock someone unconscious

  • where is my liver
Go ahead and give it a try...see what suggest for you. :-)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Funny Song about a Certain Senator from Idaho

Thought folks might enjoy. It made me smile.

Pie Fight

In honor of the Board Games, Wii and Pie Dinner Party we are having tomorrow.

The worst personal ad (M4W) EVER!

Ok, so I spotted this on Craigslist and had to share. It looks like he's a skinhead, and I'm shocked that he's:
1.talking about his KKK membership upfront and
2. thinks that's a great opening line to get a girl.

Notice how he at first lets you know he was in the KKK for 10 years, and then later says that he should be judged because he was only in the Klan for "a minute."


Former KKK member seeks girl - 29

Reply to:
Date: 2007-11-09, 11:45PM EST

For a while, 10 years, I was in the KKK. Now, I'm out, and I'm looking for that special someone who I can continue life with. I no longer use violence against others and I believe that diversity is, to some extent, OK. Let me know if you want to get coffee. Hey, we all have our issues; big deal I was in the Klan for a minute.

I'm the second from left. I also do not respond to threats.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Male Birth Rate Declining

A new article in MSN highlights the decline in male births and deaths due to pollution that is starting to skew the male to female ratio. Not only do I worry about my future daughter's dating prospects, but I begin to wonder when we as a society will start to take notice and frankly freak out about the level of pollution we are pumping into our environment. When it's polluted enough so that we are all sick, why don't we start doing something?

Saturday, November 03, 2007

More Proof that Running isn't good for you

Ever since my knees started to go south, my Dr.'s informed me that I should not run. I asked them if I could get an "official" Dr's note for that. I've hated running all my life - the shin splints, knee/feet pain, and instant asthma attack that it causes has informed me that my body just is NOT made for running. Give me a bike any day.

So here's a story about a man who DIED running. My condolences go out to his family, but it's just one more sign that I won't be joining the running craze any day soon.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Are you a Member of the Working Dead?

This blog post (and the TONS of comments left by readers) really struck a cord with me. My friends know that I've been a member of the Working Dead at various jobs over the years.