Monday, August 20, 2007

Get a Part Time Job at Google working in your community.

Own a camera and looking for an easy part time job?

You can work for Google by helping them document the world!

(All you have to do is) buy a digital camera and a notebook, and walk down the street. Take pictures of every business you see. Then write down the address, hours of operation, method of payment, and a couple of other things. Oh, and be sure to get the contact information for the business.

Then go to the library, get on a computer (if you don’t have one at home), and put this information into a database. The ever-benevolent king of all Internet advertising will thank you for your efforts with $2 for every business you upload and another $8 once they confirm your information is correct.

The whole article about the deal is from a Search Engine Watch article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that seems almost too good to be true! And also too much like "Big Brother" -- i.e. very creepy!