Monday, September 22, 2008

Rap Video about CERN's Large Hadron Collider!

CERN Rap from Will Barras on Vimeo.

A moment of dorkyness folks. Or, if you've been curious about what the Hadron Collider does, you should watch the video.

Also you can donate your computer's time to help them crunch the data:

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Latest Scientology News - Going to Court in France

I have a fascination with Scientology - a cult created by L. Ron Hubbard a science fiction writer. It turns out France rightly believes that they are a cult and are letting a woman take them to court over charges that the sect swindled her out of $28,000 for vitamins and classes.

Good for her! It would be great to see Scientology finally convicted of a crime...they've committed so many. More about the story here.

Facebook Groups, Wall Post and Discussions Now Indexed by Google

Just an FYI to all of you on Facebook - many of the areas which you think is only available to your friends who are logged into Facebook are now being indexed by search engines and are going to be available via Google.

I think this is going to cause a challenge to college age kids who are trying to get hired - their comment about getting smashed at a part posted to a discussion board within Facebook is now going to be available when you search on their name...

More information about Facebook's opening up to Google here.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Easy Way to make Cheap Multi-Touch Pad for your Computer

My brother sent this to me and I had to share. Crazy that you can make something so cool out of cheap materials...